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GDPR compliance audit and service

All in one service to become compliant with nLPD and GDPR for your website

websites build
e-commerce technologies

track everything

How to be compliant with GDPR & nLPD?

Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Next Legal Privacy Directive (nLPD) requires a deep understanding of how personal data is collected, stored, and used within your business. Z Digital Agency offers specialized services to ensure that your digital operations adhere to these strict regulations. Our approach includes evaluating your data handling practices, identifying potential vulnerabilities, and implementing robust privacy policies and procedures that meet the stringent requirements of these regulations. Our goal is to safeguard your business against legal risks while maintaining the trust and confidence of your customers.

What website audit is required for GDPR & nLPD?

A thorough website audit is essential to determine compliance with GDPR and nLPD. This audit encompasses a comprehensive review of your website’s data collection, storage, and processing practices. Z Digital Agency’s audit process involves examining how cookies are used, how user consent is obtained and recorded, and how data is secured across all touchpoints. We also review third-party services integration to ensure they comply with privacy standards. Our detailed reports will not only highlight areas of non-compliance but will also recommend actionable steps to enhance data protection on your website.

How to keep Google Analytics tracking with GDPR & nLPD?

Maintaining effective Google Analytics tracking while complying with GDPR and nLPD can be challenging due to the regulations on user consent and data anonymization. Z Digital Agency specializes in configuring Google Analytics to operate within the legal framework, ensuring that all tracking activities are compliant without compromising data quality.

Transparent data processing

We implement consent management platforms that respect user choices and adjust tracking mechanisms accordingly. This includes the use of anonymized IP addresses, setting data retention periods, and ensuring that all data processing is transparent and lawful.

What is Z Digital Agency’s process to become fully compliant with GDPR and nLPD?

Z Digital Agency’s process for ensuring full compliance with GDPR and nLPD is structured and meticulous. We begin with an initial consultation to understand your current data practices and compliance status. Following this, we conduct a detailed audit and provide a comprehensive compliance strategy that includes technical and procedural changes tailored to your specific needs. We offer training sessions for your team to understand and manage compliance effectively. Finally, we implement necessary adjustments, such as data protection impact assessments and secure data processing agreements. Our ongoing support and monitoring ensure that your organization remains compliant as regulations evolve.

At Z Digital Agency, we are committed to helping companies in Switzerland, France, and Germany navigate the complexities of GDPR and nLPD compliance. Our expert team provides tailored solutions that not only ensure legal compliance but also preserve the integrity and trustworthiness of your digital engagements. Let us help you build a robust compliance framework that supports your business objectives and protects your customer’s data.


Let the ZDA Team handle your GDPR Compliance Audit objectives.

Our GDPR Compliance Audit experts within the Digital Advertising Agency

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Our other Digital Advertising Agency services

We handle your Digital Advertising needs, from A to Z.

Looking for a GDPR Compliance Audit agency that delivers?

Get a full team among 40+ experts, as a flexible task force for your GDPR compliance audit, for on average the cost of a single employee. We adapt our GDPR compliance audit strategies to your actual needs, we build the right tools and campaigns, then we track everything. It is in our entrepreneurial DNA. Tell us about your GDPR compliance audit needs, we will first craft a strategic plan with you, then you’re free to do it with us, or on your own. Flexible, entrepreneurial and results-oriented, we said.

Our GDPR Compliance Audit trainings

You’d like to handle your GDPR Compliance Audit in-house ? No problem, let us train your team on the latest GDPR Compliance Audit best practices, no blabla, only a tailored GDPR Compliance Audit training for your company.

Advertising Online Courses

Our courses offer hands-on training, guided by industry experts, to make you confident and independent in digital advertising.


Well you’re in good company…

You are one call away from starting a great story

Every mission we take is starting with a free audit session, to ready understand if we are the best to answer your needs.

3 locations: Switzerland, France, Germany