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SEO Online Courses from Beginners to Advanced

The Best Online Courses for SEO, for a hands-on training, with a team of experts.

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Some of our SEO best practices Trainings

We train your team, with the latest SEO best practices

Why This Online Course Matters ?

Effective SEO is essential for online visibility and driving organic traffic to your website. Our comprehensive online courses offer practical, hands-on training tailored to your business needs, from beginners to advanced levels. With expert guidance and follow-up sessions, you’ll develop the skills to build, analyze, and optimize your SEO strategy independently.

Duration: between 1/2 day to 1 day

Included 2 follow-up sessions: 2 hours after 1 month + 2 hours after 3 months, to check on your progress and questions.

Price: from 1’500 €/CHF, tailored to your needs.

What you’ll learn during our SEO online courses 

Understanding the Three Pillars of SEO

SEO is built on three main pillars: technical SEO, on-page SEO, and off-page SEO. This foundational course provides a deep dive into each pillar, offering you a comprehensive understanding of how they work together to improve your website’s search engine ranking.

  • Technical SEO: Learn about website architecture, crawlability, indexability, and site speed. This module covers best practices for ensuring search engines can easily access and understand your website.
  • On-Page SEO: Discover how to optimize individual pages on your website. Topics include keyword research, content optimization, meta tags, and internal linking strategies.
  • Off-Page SEO: Understand the importance of domain authority and how to build it through link-building, social media signals, and online reputation management.

By mastering these pillars, you’ll be equipped to develop a robust SEO strategy that enhances your website’s visibility and performance.

Technical SEO: Analyzing and Optimizing Your Website

Technical SEO is the backbone of any successful SEO strategy. This course teaches you how to conduct a thorough technical SEO audit and implement the necessary optimizations. You will learn how to use tools like Google Search Console, Screaming Frog, and Sitebulb to identify and fix issues such as broken links, duplicate content, and slow page speeds. The course covers advanced topics like schema markup, canonical tags, and mobile optimization. By the end of this course, you’ll be proficient in maintaining a technically sound website that performs well in search engine rankings.

On-Page SEO: Optimizing Content for Search Engines

Creating high-quality, optimized content is key to on-page SEO success. This course focuses on the best practices for content optimization, including keyword research, content structuring, and writing for SEO. You will learn how to use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Yoast SEO to identify the best keywords for your content and ensure your pages are fully optimized. The course also covers how to create engaging meta descriptions, title tags, and headers that attract clicks and improve your click-through rate (CTR). By mastering on-page SEO, you’ll be able to create content that ranks higher and attracts more organic traffic.

Off-Page SEO: Building Domain Authority

Building domain authority through off-page SEO is essential for improving your site’s credibility and search engine ranking. This course teaches you how to develop a strong backlink profile through ethical link-building strategies. You will learn how to identify high-quality link opportunities, reach out to relevant sites, and create shareable content that naturally attracts links. The course also covers the importance of social signals and how to leverage social media platforms to enhance your off-page SEO efforts. By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills to boost your domain authority and improve your site’s overall search engine performance.

Best Practices and Tools for SEO Analysis and Optimization

Staying ahead in SEO requires continuous learning and adaptation. This course provides a shortcut to the best practices for SEO analysis and optimization, introducing you to the most important tools in the industry. You will learn how to use tools like Google Analytics, Moz, and Majestic to monitor your SEO performance, track key metrics, and make data-driven decisions. The course emphasizes the importance of regular audits and iterative improvements, ensuring you can keep your SEO strategy up-to-date and effective. By mastering these tools and techniques, you’ll be able to analyze and optimize your SEO efforts independently.


Pick the key area(s) where you’d like our expertise, or let the ZDA Team handle your SEO online course objectives.

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3 locations: Switzerland, France, Germany