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Online Courses for Design and Branding, from AI to Branding strategy

The Best Online Courses for Design and Branding, for a hands-on training, with a team of experts.

websites & brands
design experts
follow-up sessions
to your needs

Some of our Design and Branding best practices Trainings

We train your team, with the latest Design and Branding best practices

Why This Online Course Matters ?

In an increasingly digital world, strong design and branding are essential for business success. Our comprehensive online courses stand out by offering practical, hands-on training tailored to your business needs. With expert guidance and follow-up sessions, you’ll develop the skills to leverage AI tools, create impactful brands, and build effective landing pages.

Duration: between 1/2 day to 1 day

Included 2 follow-up sessions: 2 hours after 1 month + 2 hours after 3 months, to check on your progress and questions.

Price: from 1’500 €/CHF, tailored to your needs.

What you’ll learn during our Design and Branding courses

Designing with AI: Tools and Techniques

Harnessing the power of AI for design can revolutionize your creative process. This course introduces you to leading AI image generators like MidJourney and DALL-E3, providing detailed instruction on how to prompt, create, and optimize visuals. You will learn how to leverage these tools to produce high-quality, unique designs that meet your specific needs. The course covers best practices for using AI in design, ensuring you can effectively integrate these tools into your workflow and enhance your creative capabilities.

Building a Strong Brand Image

A strong brand image is critical for standing out in a crowded market. This course offers a comprehensive guide to building and maintaining a robust brand image. You will learn the key steps to create a memorable and impactful brand, from defining your brand values and voice to developing a consistent visual identity. The course also highlights common branding mistakes and how to avoid them, ensuring you can build a brand that resonates with your audience and drives business success.

Creating a Brand Platform

Your brand platform is the foundation of your company and its promise to your customers. In this course, you will learn how to create a brand platform that clearly defines your vision, mission, and objectives. We will guide you through the process of identifying your unique value proposition, crafting your brand story, and setting strategic goals. By the end of this course, you will have a well-defined brand platform that serves as a roadmap for your brand’s growth and success, providing concrete results for your business.

Deploying a No-Code Landing Page

Creating a high-converting landing page quickly and efficiently is a valuable skill for any marketer or entrepreneur. This course teaches you how to deploy a landing page in just one day using powerful no-code tools. You will learn how to structure your landing page to maximize conversions, from crafting compelling headlines and calls-to-action to optimizing layout and design. Our step-by-step guide ensures you can create effective landing pages without needing extensive technical skills, enabling you to launch campaigns swiftly and successfully.


Pick the key area(s) where you’d like our expertise, or let the ZDA Team handle your Design and Branding course objectives.

Our Design and Branding course experts

Meet our senior experts, leading the Design and Branding department of ZDA


Well you’re in good company…

They’ve trusted us as their Design and Branding Agency

Why should you work with Z Digital Agency’s team ?

You are one call away from starting a great training

Every online or offline course starts with a free call session, to ready understand if we are the best to answer your training needs.

3 locations: Switzerland, France, Germany