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Online Courses for AI & GPT Tools, Tailored for You or Your Team

The Best Online Courses for AI & Tech Tools, for a hands-on training, with a team of experts.

GPT use cases covered
GPT/ experts tailored to your needs
follow-up sessions
to your needs

Some of our AI tools & Tech best practices Trainings

We train your team with tailored training on AI & Tech Tools, here is a quick overview of some trainings we’ve done so far. Select one or let’s build one for you.

What makes our AI & Tech tools development courses unique ?

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying ahead requires not just understanding AI and tech tools but mastering their implementation tailored to your specific business needs. Our online courses provide hands-on training in AI and GPT tools, guiding you through building customized chatbots, developing tech solutions, and applying agile methodology best practices.

Duration: between 1/2 day to 1 day

Included 2 follow-up sessions: 2 hours after 1 month + 2 hours after 3 months, to check on your progress and questions.

Price: from 1’500 €/CHF, tailored to your needs.

What you’ll learn during our AI Tools development courses

Customized AI Chatbot Development course

Creating a chatbot that aligns with your business objectives is more than just coding – it’s about understanding your user base, defining clear intents, and delivering seamless interactions. This course covers everything from the fundamentals of natural language processing to the deployment of a chatbot on various platforms. You’ll learn how to integrate advanced AI functionalities, ensuring your chatbot can handle complex queries and provide a high-quality user experience. By the end of this course, you’ll have a fully functional, customized chatbot ready to enhance your customer engagement.

Advanced Tech Development Best Practices

Delve into the intricacies of modern tech development with a focus on creating robust, scalable, and secure applications. This course offers comprehensive insights into the latest development frameworks, best coding practices, and the importance of version control systems. Learn how to implement continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to streamline your development process. Our hands-on approach ensures you gain practical skills that can be directly applied to your projects, from backend development to user interface design.

Agile Methodology course for Web Development

Agile methodology is essential for managing web development projects efficiently, allowing for flexibility and iterative progress. This course breaks down agile principles and practices, guiding you through the roles, events, and artifacts of agile frameworks like Scrum and Kanban. You’ll engage in real-world scenarios where you’ll practice sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and retrospective meetings. By understanding and applying these agile practices, you can improve team collaboration, enhance productivity, and deliver high-quality web solutions faster.

AI Solutions course for your Business Needs

Understanding AI is crucial, but applying it to solve real business problems is what sets you apart. This course helps you identify opportunities where AI can drive significant value, from predictive analytics to process automation. You’ll work on case studies relevant to your industry, learning to design and implement AI models that address specific business challenges. Our expert instructors provide the tools and frameworks needed to evaluate AI solutions, ensuring they align with your strategic goals and deliver measurable results.


Pick the key area(s) where you’d like our expertise, or let the ZDA Team handle your AI course objectives.

Our AI tools & Web development course experts

Meet our senior experts, leading the AI & Tech department of ZDA


Well you’re in good company…

They’ve trusted us as their AI & Tech Agency

Why should you work with Z Digital Agency’s team ?

You are one call away from starting a great training

Every online or offline course starts with a free call session, to understand if we are the best to answer your training needs. If you prefer a do-it-for-you, contact our AI & Tech Agency team

3 locations: Switzerland, France, Germany