Noorvir Aulakh
AI specialist and Human Computer Interaction expert within the AI department of Z Digital Agency. Former Tesla engineer, CEO of Unweave… A top level ML expert !

Noorvir Aulakh is a real AI & ML expert
Fullstack developer, computer Vision / Machine Learning Engineer at several companies, and serial entrepreneur. Noorvir is the guy for complex tech situations!
What are the expertise areas of Noorvir Aulakh?
Noorvir Aulakh is the Founder of Unweave. He attended UCL. Became early on a fullstack developer, an ML and computer vision specialist, at Tesla, and from 2017 an AI specialist. He brings a very pragmatic approach to web dev, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence heavy lifting at Z Digital Agency. A busy entrepreneur, but a great asset for ZDA clients.